#BeInspired: How To Make Firm Decisions

Decision making takes you to a new dimension in life. New things that haven’t happened before would start happening. These happenings are determined by the decision you make. Now what should one do to make a right beneficial decision?

Steps for Firm decision making:

1. Open your mind
Imagine the possible picture of each options in the list to choose. View your future with regards to each individual options. Try to find out the pros and cons of each options.

2. Take your time
If not urgent and/or if possible, request some personal time in order to settle down and go through each options. If there’s enough time, meditate about it. Thoroughly examine each options without rushing.

3. Review the past
If available, check the option people chose in the past and how it later turned out to be. Although it is said that experience is the best teacher, it’s important to choose an option, not because people chose it but because it’s right. Learn to be unique.

4. Know everyone it’ll affect
Knowing people and how your decision would affect them (both positive and negative) would make you decide in a better way. Why? Let’s say you’re a married man with children. The firm you’re working with has offered you a job overseas. The condition is that you’ll have to live there and only come back just once in a year. The people your decision affects is your family. The positive side is that they’ll never lack in terms of finance. The negative side is that there isn’t any complete family without you. Compare these two effects and choose the right option.

5. Talk to someone
Talking to people about a dilemma is good. Talking to someone with an opposite point of view from yours is better. In this way, you’ll be able to rub your mind with others. You’ll never know that you’re wrong unless someone tells you.

Article Written By Elijah
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